How to Manifest Your Work at Home Dream – a 17-second Exercise

Remember that old Doris Day song, "Que Sera, Sera"? If you're into blogs and article websites and are reading this, you're probably too young. Come to think of it, you may not even know who Doris Day is. But all that's beside the point. Doris sang this song a lot in a movie where she never knew what the next thing to happen was going to be (she was lost in Rome or something — oh my). So she just threw up her hands, got a big ole smile on her face, and sang "Que sera, sera!" Here's how it went: Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see. Que sera, sera.

Well . . . "que sera," bah! Some of us don't believe in so flippantly handing over our future to "que sera!" And if you are trying to figure out how to work at home, do you think that approach is going to be effective? Yeah, the unexpected does happen in life — a lot. And you can't always be perfectly prepared to overcome the obstacles. But you CAN have a tremendous influence on manifesting the reality you desire, simply by focusing on it. So whether that is the love of your life, a new car, or getting out of a job you hate, it works!

Here is an exercise to help you get started on your dream to work at home. It looks very easy, but you may find that it is hard to maintain the first few times you try it. Never fear, the more you do it the easier it will become. It's like teaching your brain new ways to think (In this case focusing on what you DO want instead of what you DON'T, which we all seem to do habitually, all the time, and at great length). Try this. It only takes 17 seconds.

Before you actually start, conjure up a picture of what you want – in this case to work at home. Get very specific. What does that look like? Where do you set up your office space, and with what kind of décor and colors? Do you play music while you work? Eat? What kind of schedule do you keep? No matter how far out or unachievable the picture may seem to you right now, make it the ultimate of what you want, complete with all the frills.

Okay, now begin: Close your eyes and not only picture your work at home scenario but BE IN IT as if it already exists. No pangs of longing for it please! (Otherwise you'll just be creating more longing/waiting time until it manifests.) You are actually IN your dream come true, savoring every detail, experiencing the exhilaration of its every aspect. Now, do that for 17 seconds — BEING in your dream. Don't just watch it or see it. FEEL it. The more emotion you hold during that 17 seconds, the more powerful the manifestation capacity of the exercise.

As we said, you may find it hard to stay in this state of elation for 17 seconds because you're not used to doing that. But think about it. You probably ARE used to having a mental argument with someone you dislike, full of hot emotions, sometimes for hours! So if you can do that, you can certainly reshape the habit toward the positive with just a little practice. Especially if you believe it will enhance the reality of your being able to work at home.
Try the exercise. You'll like it. And if you'd like to take a peek at one of the practical tools that helps us in OUR work at home, check out the link below.